Wrens 2024 - 2025

Image result for wren ukWelcome to Wrens Class 

Fun facts about The Wren 

Wrens are among the smallest birds in the UK. Despite it's tiny size it posseses a powerful voice and sings a rich and complex song.

             Our Class Ethos

         With a strong focus on encouraging Communication and independence, we care for each other, while having fun learning and celebrating our achievements.

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Hello my name is Julie and I am the teacher in Wren Class. 

In Wren Class the needs of individual pupils are at the heart of everything we do.  We are creative in our approach and have a cross curricular termly topic, teaching activities are informed by the school curriculum and pupils personal needs and interests.  We aim to provide a bespoke learning environment for each pupil and use a combination of approaches and strategies to achieve this.

In Wrens we have strong focus on developing Social and Communication Skills. We adopt a total communication approach. This means we value any form of communication, behaviour, gesture, visual symbols, sign language, as well as spoken words. We use visual aids including symbols to promote communication and social skills during teaching activities.

Pupil’s personal, social and emotional needs are supported using consistent routines and clear boundaries. Provision for the pupil's sensory needs are an integral part of our daily routines and teaching activities. Your childs personal development is at the heart of everything we do in Wren Class. It is our aim for all Wren graduates to have developed a stronger sense of resilience and increased levels of independence as learners, ready to for next steps and new challenges as they progress on their journey at Ashgage School and in life.

We recognise the importance of building links between learning at home and the improved outcomes that happen for pupils when we get this right. Sharing ideas, as well as informtion about achievements they make at home and school is fundamental in helping them to achieve their best.

keeping in touch

I am available before and after school each day if you would like to speak to me either in person or by telephone or you can drop me an email.  We use our class DOJO   to communicate regularly about whats happening in class. If you have not already signed up and would like to, you can use the following link  https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CLTW2G3 .If you need further support with signing up we are here to help.

Myself and the wider Wren Class Team are also available to chat about your childs progress and personal wellbeing, we are fortunate to have a wealth of experience within the team. Please do approach staff if you have any queries and they will always be happy to try and help or to arrange a time that we can meet.

   My email address:  j.gaynor@ashgate.manchester.sch.uk       

The Class Team 

Julie - Class Teacher; (Planning and preparation time Tuesday)

Rea - Senior Teaching Assistant (Tues,Weds,Thurs,Fri)

Jackie - Senior Teaching Assistant (Mon & Weds)

Sue -Teaching Assistant  (Weds,Thurs,Fri)

Katy - Teaching Assistant (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri)

Irene - Lunchtime Support Assistant 

Files to Download

Wrens: Gallery items

Class Dojo, by Ms Taylor - Ims

Ashgate Specialist Support School, Crossacres Rd, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 5DR

Main Contact: Lisa ThompsonTel: 0161 359 5322Email: enquiries@ashgate.manchester.sch.uk.

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