Pelicans 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our class pages.
Pelicans Class is home to a group of 8 pupils all of whom have a diagnosis of autism along with associated learning difficulties.The children have a range of needs and we follow a blend of curriculum models, depdending on the needs of individual pupils, with a focus on the early stages of the Semi- formal curriculum.
Each child has a one page profile outling what is important to that child and strategies to support learning and overall wellbeing.
Our class ethos outlines our overall approach and further information about the activities we are completing in school can be found in our parent newsletters.
We will be adding to our class page throughout the school year so please check in regularly for news and information.
If you want to find out more please contact Paula (Class Teacher):
As well as seeing some of you at drop off and pick up times each day we are continuing to use Home Diaries for daily communication- please check your child's book each day for any important letters or messages.
We look forward to working with you over the coming school year,
Paula, Amanda, Catherine, Sandra, Trish ( part time),
The Pelicans Class Team